Welcome to The Koala Kids World, a place full of surprises well hidden away in some of the most secret forests and wildlife settings never discovered by anyone else still to this day.
The Koala Kids are free roaming, adventure loving
explorers that love playing in nature, being
outdoors and active,playing together to have fun.
Join them as they discover new interesting characters and
amazing situations whenever they go off venturing in the big, wild
world out here. The Koala Kids are a whole new world of fun
Koda loves music and can craft any musical instrument out of whatever is found in nature, wood, rocks, leaves, water and play
any tune possible. A talent that Koda is happy to share with all
the other Koala Kids friends and families.
Koda Koala is also very tall and a very good Crocodile surfer, beach volleyballer and like all the Koala Kids loves swimming and surfing.
Kimi is also a very tall Koala like Koda and is a very excellent
athlete that is great at all sports as well as climbing rockwalls and trees. Kimi loves climbing tall things and exploring what is way up out of sight from those who stay on the ground below. Kimi Koala is also an excellent stingray surfer.
Kimi also has very good eye sight and never gets lost in the wild and is the best Navigator in the club.
Kimi also loves practicing Beach Volleyball with Koda and the other Koala Kids whenever possible.
Kiki is the most excellent swimmer of all the Koala Kids and cannot wait to get into and under the water to seek out new and amazing marine life and all the magic waiting beneath the surface.
Kiki is also a very keen on learning about Marine Biology and is always finding new things to study about on the reefs, beaches, waterways and islands.
Kiki loves to share the marine life knowledge learnt by looking in every rockpool, cave and reef underwater...even the beachworms know Kiki so well they'll pop up just to say hello.
Kasey isn't the fastest mover amongst the others in fact you could say Kasey is the slowest. Even though Kasey doesn't
have speed, ideas are what are more important to Kasey.
With the ability to slow down and just give more time to thinking things through more thoroughly Kasey is often instrumental in coming up with very interesting ideas that
help the team solve some of the amazing problems they
come across.
Kasey is also an excellent Stingray Surfer.
Kites is all about flying, fast. slow, up, down, in, out, under,
over, right, left, forward or backwards it doesn't matter Kites loves to do it all, up in the air.
Because Kites is always up so high and moving in all directions, being a great judge of space and balance has become a very special talent. This rare skill comes in very handy when the Koala Kids need to work out how to fit things together or get in and out of places.
Kites is very fond of flying in a hang glider but will fly in anything that is available if necessary.
Koko is a master at communicating with other animal characters that are different to the Koala Kids. Koko has become very good at understanding the dolphins, seals and whales as well as other marine animals.
Koko loves water skiing and has dolphin friends keen to help out by towing Koko behind them whenever they can.
Koko also works closely with Kiki in studying new Marine Biology discoveries
Krazee is the wildest Koala in the club and does the most adventurous things you could think of with little fear shown.
This doesn't happen by accident though as Krazee will practice doing many Daredevil like moves every minute of the day.
Parkour, abseiling, mountain biking. go karting, mountain climbing, tightrope walking, bungee Jumping, high diving, caving, Krazee does it all with ease...
Even wild shark surfing is easy breezey for Krazee.
Konk got named from the sound that was made every time
a tree was hit while swinging through the forests, jungles and bush. After years of never giving up and much practice as well many hard knocks scratches and bruises, Konk is now the best swinger anywhere. Even monkeys would be struggling to keep up with Konk today after getting so good
at it. The ability to think ahead quickly, stay calm and be confident has led to Konk becoming a very good organiser and this skill helps the Koala Kids keep there focus when dealing with stressfull situations